Welcome to North Coast Training Company and congratulations on your decision to expand your vocational skills and knowledge.
North Coast Training Company is a registered training organisation (RTO41165) specialising in High Risk Licencing Courses and also industry specific training.
Our goal is to provide meaningful flexible training to industry, both in current working environments and also our training facility. We aim to provide services to the construction, mining and manufacturing industries to help them ensure that they have capable, confident, safe and compliant employees.
We also provide training to individuals looking to gain more skills and knowledge to obtain work and improve on current skills in the above industries.
North Coast Training Company specialises in onsite and site specific training and assessments, as well as classroom based training. Our services cover a large scale area ranging from Port Macquarie to the Tweed Heads and all areas in between.
Our website has a comprehensive range of information that will help you; the student can make an informed decision concerning the training we provide. This Student Handbook contains general information regarding the services we provide. Course specific information is located under the ‘Courses’ tab. The course information sheet can be downloaded from our website or can be obtained from our Administration staff.
Please take time to read this handbook, it forms part of your induction to NCTC and by enrolling into a course with us, you agree to comply with the procedures outlined in this handbook.
North Coast training company is a registered training organisation (ID 41165) approved by the Australian skills Quality authority and Safework NSW to provide training delivery and assessment services for a range of national accredited courses.
North Coast Training Company full scope of registration is at: We are currently able to offer the following nationally accredited training programs.
Our trainers and assessors are professionals with extensive industry experience who also hold formal adult education qualifications, ensuring that we deliver current, workplace relevant training and assessment strategies. Our training facility is in Ballina we delivery classroom base training.
North Coast Training Company is subject to a variety of laws relating to training and assessment as well as day to day business practices.
This legislation governs our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO41165) and our obligations to individuals (clients) in relation to the industry that we are conducting training for. This Includes:
• National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
• Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
When legislation is amended all staff are made aware of any changes.
Current legislation is available online at ,
Legislation is applicable for the State of New South Wales, if based out of New South Wales that States legislation would be applicable for Training completed in that State.
Vocational Education and Training legislation includes but not limited to:
Commonwealth Legislation:
North Coast Training Company is dedicated to following the provisions in the VET Quality Framework.
More information about these regulations and legal frameworks can be found at:
North Coast Training Company follows a Code of Conduct which outlines how you can expect the organisation and our staff to behave. Similarly, North Coast Training Company has expectations for student behaviour. These are outlined in the section ‘Student Conduct’.
North Coast Training Company Company’s commits to observe the highest standards of fairness and professional practice as we deliver our training and assessment services and meet our contractual obligations.
To support this commitment, we have in place the following:
A breach of conduct occurs when a student assaults, attempts to assault or threatens a person or acts contrary to Equal Opportunity which is committed to the prevention and elimination of discrimination on the grounds of:
In accordance with the privacy amendment (private sector) ACT 2000, North coast training is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information.
North Coast Training Company will need to collect personal information about you and does so by getting you to complete an enrolment form at your induction. The state training authority, NCVER and North coast training company will use the information gathered for statistical and reporting purposes. It may also be used to claim state and/or commonwealth government funding for your training. The information you provide to us will remain private and be used only for the purposes you have agreed too.
North Coast Training Company will not reveal, disclose, distribute, rent or pass your personal information onto a third party, other than those you have consented to or by requirement for legislation purposes.
It is important to keep your personal information accurate so we encourage you to contact us to inform us of any changes to your details. You will be provided with the opportunity to access personal information held and where appropriate, you may be able to correct any information that is incorrect.
North Cost Training Company will not collect personal information revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual orientation unless:
It is imperative that North Coast Training Company seeks permission or licence from the copyright owner prior to copying materials for course use. If materials are outsourced from other providers, we seek permission and acknowledge the owner in forms of materials. These educational materials include those used for training, copying and sharing information with students as part of the course.
North Coast Training Company is committed to providing a positive training environment free from intimidation, ridicule and harassment. All managers and staff have a responsibility to maintain a working environment free from harassment, victimisation and bullying behaviour. We take all complaints seriously in this area. We will investigate all claims and take remedial action where necessary.
North Coast Training Company has a legal obligation to ensure that our Training Environments are free from any form of harassment, discriminatory or bullying behaviour.
We pride ourselves on maintaining a training environment where our clients are treated with respect and dignity. Every individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities free from discriminatory practices including harassment. We aim to continually provide all staff and clients with genuine opportunities to improve and reach their full potential.
North coast training company advertises and promotes all course on there website www.northcoasttraining,com.,au and Facebook page. These advertisements state the course name and any pre-requisites for enrolment.
To book into any course a pre enrolment form a LLN and covid19 form will need to be competed. To begin a course an enrolment form must be completed. This will become the agreement between the student and training company (North Coast Training Company).
Our staff are committed to providing you with the best possible service, support and assistance for the duration of your course. The enrolment will be processed within 12 business hours. A notice of enrolment will be emailed or posted to the student communicating all necessary information including course and dates chosen, training times and venue. Invoices are raised upon enrolment and will be sent along with the notice of enrolment unless an employer or job service provider has arranged the booking, in which case the invoice will be sent to them.
All students studying nationally recognised Training in Australia from 1 January 2015, are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI is an account (or reference number) made up of numbers and letters. The USI allows our students online access to their Training records and results (transcript) through their online USI account.
A USI is required for new and continuing students undertaking nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses to receive their statement of attainment or qualification.
The USI is available online and at no cost to our students. This USI will stay with our students for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is undertaken from the 1 January 2015.
Our students can access their USI accounts online from computers, tablets or their smart phones anytime.
If you do not have a USI, please visit for more information, and instructions on how to apply, or we can create a USI on behalf of our students, with the student’s permission.
The USI will link with the new VET data collection and reporting requirements. The USI is now a mandatory data field for reporting nationally recognised training. The USI is a requirement under Commonwealth legislation and conditions of registration for Training organisations.
North Coast Training Company must have a valid USI for our students before we issue a student with a qualification or statement of attainment. This applies to:
- New students
- Pre-enrolled students
- Continuing students
- School students completing nationally recognised training
The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters that:
· creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in
Australia, from all training providers you undertake recognised training with
· will give you access to your training records and transcripts
· can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere
· is free and easy to create and
· stays with you for life
Where a student has undertaken an assessment and it has been marked as ‘Not yet Competent’ (NYC), they may be allowed to re-sit the test/or undertake a re-assessment.
Students will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency by their Assessor and will be given course material to prepare for the re-assessment.
Students will have the opportunity to repeat the assessment as soon as can be practically arranged with North Coast Training Company Administration staff. A re-assessment fee will occur.
If they are deemed ‘NYC’ for a second time they are to re-enrol into that unit/course. Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid prior to arranging the repeat of the unit/course. An additional re-assessment may be granted at the Assessors discretion and re-evaluate the assessment method and use of reasonable adjustment.
Re-assessments can occur within 60 Days of the original assessment. After this time, the Student must re-sit training.
If a participant does not cancel their face-to-face course enrolment prior to the commencement of the course they are not entitled to any refund and the full course price will be payable. The participant is also welcome to submit a new course enrolment but will be required to pay the full course price for the new enrolment
North Coast Training Company reserves the right to cancel or change the date and/or time of a scheduled course at any time. In the event of a course being cancelled by North Coast Training Company, fees are guaranteed and Students will be offered a place in the next available course.
Refunds for courses are only available if the Student notifies North Coast Training Company of their withdrawal at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the course. Please refer to the Fees, Charges and Refunds section of this booklet.
If North Coast Training Company fails to deliver the course or otherwise fails to provide the services agreed to, a full refund will be paid to the student within 2 weeks of the default by North Coast Training Company.
North Coast Training Company provides support and assistance to ensure all students are treated fairly and to allow them to train in a supportive and stimulating environment.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assistance (LLN)
Students may be required to complete a basic Learning, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) assessment prior to commencement of the training program.
North Coast Training Company recognises that some students will require learning techniques, resources and assessment strategies to be adjusted to suit their individual needs. If the Student experiences any difficulties with the level of literacy and/or numeracy skills required by the training they should raise the issue with their trainer as soon as possible to allow for specific adjustments to their training plan to be implemented.
All trainers/assessors are required to be flexible and innovative in line with our company policies when delivering training & assessment practices to ensure individual learning requirements and needs are addressed
Some courses require an adequate level of English language and/or literacy. Students should be aware that if they cannot speak or understand English sufficiently, their enrolment may not be accepted.
Flexible learning and Assessment
The following principles are applied by North Coast Training Company in the development and implementation of all Training and Assessment strategies.
To ensure that the student recruitment and admission process is bias-free and non-discriminatory, North Coast Training Company:
If a person with a disability meets essential entry requirements, we shall make changes or “reasonable adjustments” necessary for that person to perform essential course-work. Reasonable adjustment is provided to those with a disability or special need according to individual circumstances. This means providing the appropriate services and/or facilities for student learning and assessment.
Learning support is facilitated for those with basic literacy, numeracy or English language difficulties or other identified areas of learning difficulty. Reasonable adjustment may include but is not restricted to:
North Coast Training Company is at all times concerned for the welfare of its students. If you are experiencing difficulties and/or require counselling or personal support, there are a number of professional organisations well equipped to offer services to help. Included are:
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or
Salvation Army: 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or
Fees and Charges at North Coast Training Company include course fees, administration fees and additional services charges including such items as a replacement qualification certificate or statement of attainment. Tuition fees and Concessions are set in line with the guidelines of the State Government in which you enrol. If additional costs apply for any textbooks, course materials, licenses or checks required as a part of any course, these costs will be explained to you at the time of your enrolment.
For a full list of current fees and charges for training, please request a copy a copy of North coast training companies schedule of fees and charges from our administration team ([email protected])
All enrolments are considered tentative until full payment has been received. Course fees that exceed $1000 require a deposit of $1000 in order to confirm the enrolment, with the remaining balance due upon commencement of training. If the total fee is more than $1500, this will be paid in instalments such that no more than $1500 is held in prepaid fees at any given time.
In some cases, a student may be eligible for a subsidy. A subsidy is granted on the basis of the course chosen and the individual circumstances of the student. Please discuss your entitlement with the Course Coordinator. RPL fees are charged as per current charges equivalent to enrolling in each unit.
Pricing is specified on each course flyer
Fees Paid in Advance
Re-issue of Transcripts
An administration fee of $20.00 applies for North Coast Training Company to re-issue a copy of your Certificate or Statement of Attainment.
An administration fee of $25.00 applies for North Coast Training Company to re-issue a copy of your Card.
North Coast Training Company offers a fair and equitable refund policy that complies with all legislative requirements.
Enrolment fee may be refunded under the following circumstances:
1.If a refund is requested more than (7) days prior to the commencement of the course, full enrolment fee will be refunded, commencement date will be the first scheduled structured training session date booked by the trainer.
2.No refunds will be granted from the date of the commencement of course
3.If North Coast Training Company cancels the course, the student will receive a full refund (or pro-rata adjusted refund). North Coast Training Company may also offer the student a transfer to another course at another selected time/date.
4.If the student wishes to change their enrolment to another course with the same RTO the course fees paid will be transferred to the new course, the transfer request needs to be transferred more than (7) days prior to the commencement of the course. The new course date will have to be booked in no later than 3 months from original course date booked.
5.If a student applies for RPL and the application is unsuccessful, there will be no refund.
In order to apply for a refund please contact the office for a copy of the refund application form.
Note- Refunds due to the student will be paid within 2 weeks of receiving written application on the appropriate form available from the Training Manager.
Non – Payment of Fees
Student results and certification are withheld for non-payment or underpayment of outstanding fees due.
Results will be issued on receipt of payment to the payee.
If training has been paid for by your employer, then your results will be returned to them.
No Refund
1.If a student applies for RPL and the application is unsuccessful, there will be no refund
2.Once training has commenced in the course no refund is available, unless compelling circumstances which warrant non completion of the course. In such circumstances, the student may wish to return to training at a later date, this must be approved by North Coast Training Company (the student must return within 1 year of the enrolment date)
3.The student fails to comply with terms and conditions of enrolment which include North Coast Training Company policies and procedures as provided in the Student Handbook
4. The student provides false or misleading information
At North Coast Training Company we encourage our students to address their concerns with the offending individual where possible. Sometimes people behave inappropriately without realising it, and/or make decisions without thinking about the implications.
However, we have policies and procedures for handling complaints, grievances and appeals. If approaching the individual does not help the situation, please contact the Training Manager and we will respond to your concerns within 14 days.
North Coast Training Company believes that a student, who has a complaint or appeal, has the right to raise the complaint or appeal and expect that every effort will be made to resolve it in accordance with this policy, without prejudice or fear of reprisal or victimisation.
The student has the right to present the complaint or appeal formally as well as in writing.
North Coast Training Company will manage all complaints and appeals fairly, equitably and efficiently as possible. North Coast Training Company will encourage the parties to approach the complaint or appeal with an open mind and to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, North Coast Training Company acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent person to mediate between the parties. The parties will be given the opportunity to formally present their case to the independent person.
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process of making and resolving complaints. North Coast Training Company seeks to protect the rights and privacy of all involved and to facilitate the return to a comfortable and productive learning environment.
Should a student have a complaint or appeal, the following steps are to be followed:
1. Student should discuss the issue / complaint with the person involved to try and resolve it verbally.
2. If no resolution is reached, the student should discuss the issue/complaint with his/ her trainer to see if it can be resolved. If still no resolution the student should put the following information relating to the complaint or appeal in writing:
4. If the complaint or appeal is not dealt with to the student’s satisfaction within the seven (7) day period, s/he may bring it to the attention of the CEO. The CEO will either deal with the issue personally or arrange for it to be dealt with by a management representative. This process must commence within 48 hours from the time the CEO receives written notification from the student about their dissatisfaction to the response received from their trainer and a response / resolution must be presented within 7 days.
5. Should the issue still not be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, North Coast Training Company will make arrangements for an independent external person to resolve the issue. The student will be given the opportunity to formally present his or her case. The time frame for this process may vary but should take no longer than 14 days.
6. All parties involved will receive a written statement of the outcomes, including reasons for the decision within the 14 day period.
7. If the student is still not happy with external mediation, he / she may take his / her complaint to the State Training Authority.
8. All documentation relating to complaints or appeals should be archived for audit purposes.
9. North Coast Training Company, the CEO will be person responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the policy.
Please contact North Coast Training Company for the complaints and appeals policy.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for those that believe that they already have the necessary skills/evidence to complete a competency either from previous training or on the job experience.
North Coast Training Company will have an assessor discuss the required evidence with you.
An enrolment form will need to be completed and all evidence that you have provided to North Coast Training Company.
Once we have this information/evidence, you may also be required to complete a Third Party Report, complete a Theory and Practical Assessment to demonstrate competency.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is not offered as part of the Safework assessment due to legislative requirement.
Plagiarism and cheating will lead to disciplinary action being taken by North Coast Training Company as per our Plagiarism policy.
Plagiarism: when you try to pass someone else's work off as your own. For instance: using another person’s answers, ideas, opinions or theories in an assignment or assessment, or using pieces of information, such as graphs, statistics, drawings, that are not your own work.
Cheating: copying someone else’s work, completing someone else’s work for them
Consequences: This can include repeating the assessment or suspension from the course. If the nature of the incident requires Police attention, the Police will be notified immediately.
All complainants have the right to appeal decisions made by North Coast Training Company where reasonable grounds can be established. Where an appeal has been lodged the following procedures followed:
1. On receipt of a formal appeal the CEO will write to the appellant acknowledging receipt of their request for appeal, and outlining the appeals process, policy and timeframe.
2. The CEO will convene an Assessment Appeal Panel comprising:
4. The Panel members will be guided by the Appeals Criteria when arriving at a decision.
5. Notes on the appeal investigation and resulting outcome will be recorded in a letter to the appellant. All panel members are to sign and date the letter.
6. The CEO will contact the appellant in writing within 21 days of the receipt of the formal appeal and advise them of the outcome of their appeal.
7. The student assessment appeal, decision and action taken must be recorded on the Colleges records system by the Panel Chair.
In addition to the above internal processes, if a student enrolled with North Coast Training Company is still dissatisfied with the decision of the RTO, they may wish to seek legal advice or submit an application with an external dispute resolution process by a relevant body appointed for this purpose. (See below for contact details).
Where North Coast Training Company is informed that the student has accessed external appeals processes we will comply with the findings of the external appeals process and where a decision or outcome is in favour of the complainant, North Coast Training Company shall follow the required action and recommendation from the relevant external appeals organisation to satisfy the student’s grievance as soon as practicable.
The decision of the independent mediator is final and any further action the student wishes to take is outside the RTO’s policies and procedures. The student shall be referred to the appropriate government agencies and this information can be gained from the CEO.
New South Wales Based Students:
The Community Justice Centre is a free dispute resolution and mediation service funded by the New South Wales Government and may be able to assist resolve any outstanding complaint or issue with the complaint handling process. Further details and office locations for this service are available from
If, after the RTO’s internal complaints and appeals processes have been completed, you still believe the RTO is breaching or has breached its legal requirements, you can submit a complaint to the Australia Skill Quality Authority –
ASQA’s processes require you to identify yourself to ASQA as a complainant, although you may request that your identity is kept confidential throughout any investigation that ASQA undertakes.
All students have the right to:
Student’s responsibility:
If a student does damage to the equipment/items owned by North Coast Training Company, the act of vandalism will be assessed in a case by case basis. It will be at the Directors discretion to decide what penalty will apply to the student. This may include the Director seeking damages to the value of the property that was damaged.
Student agreement of reading the above regarding damages
Workplace health and safety legislation applies to everyone at North Coast Training Company. All staff, students and visitors have a responsibility to ensure the workplace is safe and that their own actions do not put the health and safety of others at risk.
Please report any incident or hazard immediately.
North Coast Training Company is a smoke-free workplace. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and only permissible at designated locations away from building entrances; there is to be no smoking within four metres of a building entrance.
Any student under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted on North Coast Training Company premises, to use North Coast Training Company facilities or equipment, or to engage in any North Coast Training Company activity.
People taking prescription medication have a duty to ensure their own safety, and that of others, is not affected.
The New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 states North Coast Training Company’s duty of care is to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. The employee’s duty of care is to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others within the work place”.
North Coast Training Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and clients
By adopting a planned systematic approach to the management of work health, safety and welfare (by providing the resources for successful implementation) we aim to ensure that:
North Coast Training Company is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality Training and assessment services and will engage in seeking learner and employer feedback regularly. Consequently, students who participate in training facilitated by North Coast Training Company are asked to complete a Course Evaluation Form at the end of their course. Evaluation is conducted to monitor the level of customer satisfaction with the training outcomes.
It is important for us in order to identify areas for improvement.
North Coast Training Company also conducts evaluation of training and assessment programs to measure:
It is a necessary condition of registration that this data be collected
Upon successful completion of your coursework and provided all fees are paid, a Certificate or Statement of Attainment will be issued to you within 30 calendar days of you being assessed as meeting all requirements for the course. This meets the compliance requirements as set for North Coast Training Company and other RTOs under the Standards for RTOs 2015.
If for some reason North Coast Training Company ceases to operate whilst you are still enrolled, a Statement of Attainment will be issued to you for the units within the qualification for which you have successfully met requirements. (See also, the section ‘Cancellation of Course by North Coast Training Company’)
Get yourself familiar with our facilities: Drinking water, tea/coffee, bathrooms, and first aid.
Class times: Students must be in the classroom 10 minutes prior to course commencement.
Attendance: Students are required to attend all days of training, if a student is unable to attend a day due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, you must notify the Training Manager before the session commencement or penalties may apply.
Statement of Attainment: will only be issued once the course is paid for in full. If an employer is paying for the course this will need to be filled in on the enrolment form to allow us to send a copy of any statements of attainment with consent from the student, this will go to the employer and also a copy to the student.
Feedback: North Coast Training Company wishes you the best with your studies and completion of your course with us. We welcome your feedback, upon completion of your course please fill out our feedback form and return it to your trainer
Welcome to North Coast Training Company and congratulations on your decision to expand your vocational skills and knowledge.
North Coast Training Company is a registered training organisation (RTO41165) specialising in High Risk Licencing Courses and also industry specific training.
Our goal is to provide meaningful flexible training to industry, both in current working environments and also our training facility. We aim to provide services to the construction, mining and manufacturing industries to help them ensure that they have capable, confident, safe and compliant employees.
We also provide training to individuals looking to gain more skills and knowledge to obtain work and improve on current skills in the above industries.
North Coast Training Company specialises in onsite and site specific training and assessments, as well as classroom based training. Our services cover a large scale area ranging from Port Macquarie to the Tweed Heads and all areas in between.
Our website has a comprehensive range of information that will help you; the student can make an informed decision concerning the training we provide. This Student Handbook contains general information regarding the services we provide. Course specific information is located under the ‘Courses’ tab. The course information sheet can be downloaded from our website or can be obtained from our Administration staff.
Please take time to read this handbook, it forms part of your induction to NCTC and by enrolling into a course with us, you agree to comply with the procedures outlined in this handbook.
North Coast training company is a registered training organisation (ID 41165) approved by the Australian skills Quality authority and Safework NSW to provide training delivery and assessment services for a range of national accredited courses.
North Coast Training Company full scope of registration is at: We are currently able to offer the following nationally accredited training programs.
Our trainers and assessors are professionals with extensive industry experience who also hold formal adult education qualifications, ensuring that we deliver current, workplace relevant training and assessment strategies. Our training facility is in Ballina we delivery classroom base training.
North Coast Training Company is subject to a variety of laws relating to training and assessment as well as day to day business practices.
This legislation governs our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO41165) and our obligations to individuals (clients) in relation to the industry that we are conducting training for. This Includes:
• National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
• Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
When legislation is amended all staff are made aware of any changes.
Current legislation is available online at ,
Legislation is applicable for the State of New South Wales, if based out of New South Wales that States legislation would be applicable for Training completed in that State.
Vocational Education and Training legislation includes but not limited to:
Commonwealth Legislation:
- Human rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
- Disability Standards for Education 2005
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Racial Hatred Act 1995
- Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Privacy Act and National Principles 2001
- NSW WHA Act 2011
- NSW WHS Regulation 2011
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 NSW
- NSW Anti-discrimination Act 1977
North Coast Training Company is dedicated to following the provisions in the VET Quality Framework.
More information about these regulations and legal frameworks can be found at:
- which is the Australian Government website for Commonwealth Law
- which is the website for the regulator of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector
North Coast Training Company follows a Code of Conduct which outlines how you can expect the organisation and our staff to behave. Similarly, North Coast Training Company has expectations for student behaviour. These are outlined in the section ‘Student Conduct’.
North Coast Training Company Company’s commits to observe the highest standards of fairness and professional practice as we deliver our training and assessment services and meet our contractual obligations.
To support this commitment, we have in place the following:
- Uphold the integrity and good reputation of the company
- Commitment to its clients
- Provide accurate and relevant information at all times
- Communicate clearly and effectively at all times
- Encourage and provide feedback
- TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Hold the relevant qualifications
- Have the relevant industry experience in the areas which they are training and assessing
A breach of conduct occurs when a student assaults, attempts to assault or threatens a person or acts contrary to Equal Opportunity which is committed to the prevention and elimination of discrimination on the grounds of:
- Age
- Impairment
- Industrial activity
- Lawful sexual activity
- Marital status
- Physical features
- Political belief or activity
- Pregnancy
- Race
- Religious belief or activity
- Sex
- Status as a parent or a carer
- Personal association (whether as a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above attributes.
- Wilfully disobeying or disregarding direction by a staff member
- Acting dishonest or unfair in relation to assessments
In accordance with the privacy amendment (private sector) ACT 2000, North coast training is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information.
North Coast Training Company will need to collect personal information about you and does so by getting you to complete an enrolment form at your induction. The state training authority, NCVER and North coast training company will use the information gathered for statistical and reporting purposes. It may also be used to claim state and/or commonwealth government funding for your training. The information you provide to us will remain private and be used only for the purposes you have agreed too.
North Coast Training Company will not reveal, disclose, distribute, rent or pass your personal information onto a third party, other than those you have consented to or by requirement for legislation purposes.
It is important to keep your personal information accurate so we encourage you to contact us to inform us of any changes to your details. You will be provided with the opportunity to access personal information held and where appropriate, you may be able to correct any information that is incorrect.
North Cost Training Company will not collect personal information revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual orientation unless:
- Your consent has been obtained
- The collection is required or specifically authorised by law
- The collection is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any individual
- Where the subject of the information is physically or legally incapable of giving consent
- The collection is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.
It is imperative that North Coast Training Company seeks permission or licence from the copyright owner prior to copying materials for course use. If materials are outsourced from other providers, we seek permission and acknowledge the owner in forms of materials. These educational materials include those used for training, copying and sharing information with students as part of the course.
North Coast Training Company is committed to providing a positive training environment free from intimidation, ridicule and harassment. All managers and staff have a responsibility to maintain a working environment free from harassment, victimisation and bullying behaviour. We take all complaints seriously in this area. We will investigate all claims and take remedial action where necessary.
North Coast Training Company has a legal obligation to ensure that our Training Environments are free from any form of harassment, discriminatory or bullying behaviour.
We pride ourselves on maintaining a training environment where our clients are treated with respect and dignity. Every individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities free from discriminatory practices including harassment. We aim to continually provide all staff and clients with genuine opportunities to improve and reach their full potential.
North coast training company advertises and promotes all course on there website www.northcoasttraining,com.,au and Facebook page. These advertisements state the course name and any pre-requisites for enrolment.
To book into any course a pre enrolment form a LLN and covid19 form will need to be competed. To begin a course an enrolment form must be completed. This will become the agreement between the student and training company (North Coast Training Company).
Our staff are committed to providing you with the best possible service, support and assistance for the duration of your course. The enrolment will be processed within 12 business hours. A notice of enrolment will be emailed or posted to the student communicating all necessary information including course and dates chosen, training times and venue. Invoices are raised upon enrolment and will be sent along with the notice of enrolment unless an employer or job service provider has arranged the booking, in which case the invoice will be sent to them.
All students studying nationally recognised Training in Australia from 1 January 2015, are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI is an account (or reference number) made up of numbers and letters. The USI allows our students online access to their Training records and results (transcript) through their online USI account.
A USI is required for new and continuing students undertaking nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses to receive their statement of attainment or qualification.
The USI is available online and at no cost to our students. This USI will stay with our students for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is undertaken from the 1 January 2015.
Our students can access their USI accounts online from computers, tablets or their smart phones anytime.
If you do not have a USI, please visit for more information, and instructions on how to apply, or we can create a USI on behalf of our students, with the student’s permission.
The USI will link with the new VET data collection and reporting requirements. The USI is now a mandatory data field for reporting nationally recognised training. The USI is a requirement under Commonwealth legislation and conditions of registration for Training organisations.
North Coast Training Company must have a valid USI for our students before we issue a student with a qualification or statement of attainment. This applies to:
- New students
- Pre-enrolled students
- Continuing students
- School students completing nationally recognised training
The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters that:
· creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in
Australia, from all training providers you undertake recognised training with
· will give you access to your training records and transcripts
· can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere
· is free and easy to create and
· stays with you for life
Where a student has undertaken an assessment and it has been marked as ‘Not yet Competent’ (NYC), they may be allowed to re-sit the test/or undertake a re-assessment.
Students will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency by their Assessor and will be given course material to prepare for the re-assessment.
Students will have the opportunity to repeat the assessment as soon as can be practically arranged with North Coast Training Company Administration staff. A re-assessment fee will occur.
If they are deemed ‘NYC’ for a second time they are to re-enrol into that unit/course. Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid prior to arranging the repeat of the unit/course. An additional re-assessment may be granted at the Assessors discretion and re-evaluate the assessment method and use of reasonable adjustment.
Re-assessments can occur within 60 Days of the original assessment. After this time, the Student must re-sit training.
If a participant does not cancel their face-to-face course enrolment prior to the commencement of the course they are not entitled to any refund and the full course price will be payable. The participant is also welcome to submit a new course enrolment but will be required to pay the full course price for the new enrolment
North Coast Training Company reserves the right to cancel or change the date and/or time of a scheduled course at any time. In the event of a course being cancelled by North Coast Training Company, fees are guaranteed and Students will be offered a place in the next available course.
Refunds for courses are only available if the Student notifies North Coast Training Company of their withdrawal at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the course. Please refer to the Fees, Charges and Refunds section of this booklet.
If North Coast Training Company fails to deliver the course or otherwise fails to provide the services agreed to, a full refund will be paid to the student within 2 weeks of the default by North Coast Training Company.
North Coast Training Company provides support and assistance to ensure all students are treated fairly and to allow them to train in a supportive and stimulating environment.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assistance (LLN)
Students may be required to complete a basic Learning, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) assessment prior to commencement of the training program.
North Coast Training Company recognises that some students will require learning techniques, resources and assessment strategies to be adjusted to suit their individual needs. If the Student experiences any difficulties with the level of literacy and/or numeracy skills required by the training they should raise the issue with their trainer as soon as possible to allow for specific adjustments to their training plan to be implemented.
All trainers/assessors are required to be flexible and innovative in line with our company policies when delivering training & assessment practices to ensure individual learning requirements and needs are addressed
Some courses require an adequate level of English language and/or literacy. Students should be aware that if they cannot speak or understand English sufficiently, their enrolment may not be accepted.
- Learning skills to recognise and respond to safety issues and procedures; recognise potential hazards and risks and consider risk treatments; identify and act on or report breaches in safety; identify and manage risks to personnel wellbeing; identify and access communication equipment and systems; maintain a clean work environment; and adhere to site policies relating to smoking, drug and alcohol use.
- Reading skills to interpret key information in compliance documentation; interpret the organisation’s internal policy, goals and objectives; identify and assess risk criteria; collect, analyse and organise information; access and interpret site information; and interpret product information.
- Writing skills to complete routine reports and records, including hazard reporting forms such as: OCE reports, incident, near miss and shift reports, JSAs, Take 5 and Step Back reports.
- Oral Communication skills to communicate information on the course of action and implementation; to speak clearly and directly, listen carefully to instructions and information, and respond to and clarify directions.
- Numeracy skills to interpret product information; apply time management; and apply mathematical skills to perform basic risk rating of hazards.
- North Coast Training Company can conduct a pre-assessment to see what literacy level you are currently to see if you may need some assistance to meet your course goals.
- All of our enrolment forms will ask you to give an honest response to your language, literacy and numeracy levels so that we are able assist you where needed, feel free to
- Discuss this with your Trainer or the Training Manager as we can provide one-to-one tutoring as well as classroom assistance.
- North Coast Training can assist with course material so that it is relevant and useful to you.
Flexible learning and Assessment
- North Coast Training Company delivers flexible modes of training and assessment for courses to meet with students needs
- Modes of flexible learning include: delivery, classroom, evening classes and one-to-one programs
- Individual training plans can be arranged upon request
- If at any stage before or during your training you feel you require assistance, please let a staff member know, we want you to succeed and to do this we need to know how we can meet your individual needs
- Any personal information you may provide us with to assist you will be kept confidential
- All students have the right to access their training records. Requests must be made in writing and handed to the Training Manager
The following principles are applied by North Coast Training Company in the development and implementation of all Training and Assessment strategies.
To ensure that the student recruitment and admission process is bias-free and non-discriminatory, North Coast Training Company:
- uses the same recruitment and admission process for all applicants
- bases admission to courses and units solely on availability of places and the applicant satisfying course entry requirements
- provides applicants with adequate information and support to enable them to select the most suitable program for their needs.
- specifies standards of behaviour expected from students and staff
- has policies and procedures in place for preventing harassment and discrimination
- considers issues relating to access and equity when specifying course entry requirements and prerequisites
- offers flexible course design that provides multiple entry and exit points or pathways through the course, including credit transfer and recognition of prior learning
- considers the requirements of students with a disability when designing courses.
- provides inclusive and non-discriminatory learning materials
- in the case of vocational courses, language, literacy and numeracy requirements are consistent with the vocational level of the qualification
- provides students without online access with information through other media according to needs.
- recognition of previously acquired skills and knowledge
- adequate information on course and subject assessment, prior to enrolment in the course
- adapting assessment to meet student needs while still maintaining a high quality, valid and consistent process
- giving students the right to appeal an assessment or recognition decision
- giving all students an equal opportunity to demonstrate competence.
If a person with a disability meets essential entry requirements, we shall make changes or “reasonable adjustments” necessary for that person to perform essential course-work. Reasonable adjustment is provided to those with a disability or special need according to individual circumstances. This means providing the appropriate services and/or facilities for student learning and assessment.
Learning support is facilitated for those with basic literacy, numeracy or English language difficulties or other identified areas of learning difficulty. Reasonable adjustment may include but is not restricted to:
- educational support
- alternative assessment methods
North Coast Training Company is at all times concerned for the welfare of its students. If you are experiencing difficulties and/or require counselling or personal support, there are a number of professional organisations well equipped to offer services to help. Included are:
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 or
Salvation Army: 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or
Fees and Charges at North Coast Training Company include course fees, administration fees and additional services charges including such items as a replacement qualification certificate or statement of attainment. Tuition fees and Concessions are set in line with the guidelines of the State Government in which you enrol. If additional costs apply for any textbooks, course materials, licenses or checks required as a part of any course, these costs will be explained to you at the time of your enrolment.
For a full list of current fees and charges for training, please request a copy a copy of North coast training companies schedule of fees and charges from our administration team ([email protected])
All enrolments are considered tentative until full payment has been received. Course fees that exceed $1000 require a deposit of $1000 in order to confirm the enrolment, with the remaining balance due upon commencement of training. If the total fee is more than $1500, this will be paid in instalments such that no more than $1500 is held in prepaid fees at any given time.
In some cases, a student may be eligible for a subsidy. A subsidy is granted on the basis of the course chosen and the individual circumstances of the student. Please discuss your entitlement with the Course Coordinator. RPL fees are charged as per current charges equivalent to enrolling in each unit.
Pricing is specified on each course flyer
Fees Paid in Advance
- North Coast Training Company will protect any monies paid in advanced to ensure that in the unlikely event a program cannot commence, North Coast Training Company will be in a position to refund the course fees to the participant or account holder.
- The office Manager has the authority and responsibility for all billing, collections and the reconciliation of client’s fees
- Visa/MasterCard (1.5% surcharge will incur)
- Credit/Debit Card (1.5% surcharge will incur
- Cash
- Direct Credit
- Cheques (approved customers only)
- Purchase order (approved accounts only)
- Special arrangement
Re-issue of Transcripts
An administration fee of $20.00 applies for North Coast Training Company to re-issue a copy of your Certificate or Statement of Attainment.
An administration fee of $25.00 applies for North Coast Training Company to re-issue a copy of your Card.
North Coast Training Company offers a fair and equitable refund policy that complies with all legislative requirements.
Enrolment fee may be refunded under the following circumstances:
1.If a refund is requested more than (7) days prior to the commencement of the course, full enrolment fee will be refunded, commencement date will be the first scheduled structured training session date booked by the trainer.
2.No refunds will be granted from the date of the commencement of course
3.If North Coast Training Company cancels the course, the student will receive a full refund (or pro-rata adjusted refund). North Coast Training Company may also offer the student a transfer to another course at another selected time/date.
4.If the student wishes to change their enrolment to another course with the same RTO the course fees paid will be transferred to the new course, the transfer request needs to be transferred more than (7) days prior to the commencement of the course. The new course date will have to be booked in no later than 3 months from original course date booked.
5.If a student applies for RPL and the application is unsuccessful, there will be no refund.
In order to apply for a refund please contact the office for a copy of the refund application form.
Note- Refunds due to the student will be paid within 2 weeks of receiving written application on the appropriate form available from the Training Manager.
Non – Payment of Fees
Student results and certification are withheld for non-payment or underpayment of outstanding fees due.
Results will be issued on receipt of payment to the payee.
If training has been paid for by your employer, then your results will be returned to them.
No Refund
1.If a student applies for RPL and the application is unsuccessful, there will be no refund
2.Once training has commenced in the course no refund is available, unless compelling circumstances which warrant non completion of the course. In such circumstances, the student may wish to return to training at a later date, this must be approved by North Coast Training Company (the student must return within 1 year of the enrolment date)
3.The student fails to comply with terms and conditions of enrolment which include North Coast Training Company policies and procedures as provided in the Student Handbook
4. The student provides false or misleading information
At North Coast Training Company we encourage our students to address their concerns with the offending individual where possible. Sometimes people behave inappropriately without realising it, and/or make decisions without thinking about the implications.
However, we have policies and procedures for handling complaints, grievances and appeals. If approaching the individual does not help the situation, please contact the Training Manager and we will respond to your concerns within 14 days.
North Coast Training Company believes that a student, who has a complaint or appeal, has the right to raise the complaint or appeal and expect that every effort will be made to resolve it in accordance with this policy, without prejudice or fear of reprisal or victimisation.
The student has the right to present the complaint or appeal formally as well as in writing.
North Coast Training Company will manage all complaints and appeals fairly, equitably and efficiently as possible. North Coast Training Company will encourage the parties to approach the complaint or appeal with an open mind and to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, North Coast Training Company acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent person to mediate between the parties. The parties will be given the opportunity to formally present their case to the independent person.
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process of making and resolving complaints. North Coast Training Company seeks to protect the rights and privacy of all involved and to facilitate the return to a comfortable and productive learning environment.
Should a student have a complaint or appeal, the following steps are to be followed:
1. Student should discuss the issue / complaint with the person involved to try and resolve it verbally.
2. If no resolution is reached, the student should discuss the issue/complaint with his/ her trainer to see if it can be resolved. If still no resolution the student should put the following information relating to the complaint or appeal in writing:
- Description of the complaint or appeal
- State whether you wish to formally present your case
- Steps you have taken to deal with it
- What you would like to happen to fix the problem and prevent it from happening again
- The student brings the complaint or appeal to the attention of the trainer within seven (7) days of the issue taking place.
4. If the complaint or appeal is not dealt with to the student’s satisfaction within the seven (7) day period, s/he may bring it to the attention of the CEO. The CEO will either deal with the issue personally or arrange for it to be dealt with by a management representative. This process must commence within 48 hours from the time the CEO receives written notification from the student about their dissatisfaction to the response received from their trainer and a response / resolution must be presented within 7 days.
5. Should the issue still not be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, North Coast Training Company will make arrangements for an independent external person to resolve the issue. The student will be given the opportunity to formally present his or her case. The time frame for this process may vary but should take no longer than 14 days.
6. All parties involved will receive a written statement of the outcomes, including reasons for the decision within the 14 day period.
7. If the student is still not happy with external mediation, he / she may take his / her complaint to the State Training Authority.
8. All documentation relating to complaints or appeals should be archived for audit purposes.
9. North Coast Training Company, the CEO will be person responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the policy.
Please contact North Coast Training Company for the complaints and appeals policy.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available for those that believe that they already have the necessary skills/evidence to complete a competency either from previous training or on the job experience.
North Coast Training Company will have an assessor discuss the required evidence with you.
An enrolment form will need to be completed and all evidence that you have provided to North Coast Training Company.
Once we have this information/evidence, you may also be required to complete a Third Party Report, complete a Theory and Practical Assessment to demonstrate competency.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is not offered as part of the Safework assessment due to legislative requirement.
Plagiarism and cheating will lead to disciplinary action being taken by North Coast Training Company as per our Plagiarism policy.
Plagiarism: when you try to pass someone else's work off as your own. For instance: using another person’s answers, ideas, opinions or theories in an assignment or assessment, or using pieces of information, such as graphs, statistics, drawings, that are not your own work.
Cheating: copying someone else’s work, completing someone else’s work for them
Consequences: This can include repeating the assessment or suspension from the course. If the nature of the incident requires Police attention, the Police will be notified immediately.
All complainants have the right to appeal decisions made by North Coast Training Company where reasonable grounds can be established. Where an appeal has been lodged the following procedures followed:
1. On receipt of a formal appeal the CEO will write to the appellant acknowledging receipt of their request for appeal, and outlining the appeals process, policy and timeframe.
2. The CEO will convene an Assessment Appeal Panel comprising:
- Trainer/Assessor
- An industry/content expert who is independent of the original assessment process
4. The Panel members will be guided by the Appeals Criteria when arriving at a decision.
5. Notes on the appeal investigation and resulting outcome will be recorded in a letter to the appellant. All panel members are to sign and date the letter.
6. The CEO will contact the appellant in writing within 21 days of the receipt of the formal appeal and advise them of the outcome of their appeal.
7. The student assessment appeal, decision and action taken must be recorded on the Colleges records system by the Panel Chair.
In addition to the above internal processes, if a student enrolled with North Coast Training Company is still dissatisfied with the decision of the RTO, they may wish to seek legal advice or submit an application with an external dispute resolution process by a relevant body appointed for this purpose. (See below for contact details).
Where North Coast Training Company is informed that the student has accessed external appeals processes we will comply with the findings of the external appeals process and where a decision or outcome is in favour of the complainant, North Coast Training Company shall follow the required action and recommendation from the relevant external appeals organisation to satisfy the student’s grievance as soon as practicable.
The decision of the independent mediator is final and any further action the student wishes to take is outside the RTO’s policies and procedures. The student shall be referred to the appropriate government agencies and this information can be gained from the CEO.
New South Wales Based Students:
The Community Justice Centre is a free dispute resolution and mediation service funded by the New South Wales Government and may be able to assist resolve any outstanding complaint or issue with the complaint handling process. Further details and office locations for this service are available from
If, after the RTO’s internal complaints and appeals processes have been completed, you still believe the RTO is breaching or has breached its legal requirements, you can submit a complaint to the Australia Skill Quality Authority –
ASQA’s processes require you to identify yourself to ASQA as a complainant, although you may request that your identity is kept confidential throughout any investigation that ASQA undertakes.
All students have the right to:
- Be treated fairly and with respect by North Coast Training Company staff and other students
- Learn in an environment free of discrimination and harassment
- Learn in a supportive and stimulating environment
- Have access to counseling if desired or required
- Privacy concerning records that contain personal information, subject to statutory requirements
- Be given information about assessment procedures at the beginning of the subject/ competency and progressive results as they occur
- Lodge a complaint without fear of retaliation or victimisation;
Student’s responsibility:
- Treat others with respect and fairness
- Follow all reasonable requests from the North Coast Training Company Staff
- Refrain from swearing, drinking and eating where not permitted
- Behave responsibly at all times by not littering, harassing fellow students or staff, damaging, stealing, modifying or misusing North Coast Training Company’s or other students belongings
- Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Turn off mobile phones or other electronic devices that may disrupt the course
- Do not engage in plagiarism, collusion or cheating
- Follow work health safety practices including wearing the correct clothing (personal protective clothes)
- Avoid threating behaviour
- Avoid embarrassing other students or staff members
- Comply with all lawful regulations or safe procedures of Training that is being undertaken
If a student does damage to the equipment/items owned by North Coast Training Company, the act of vandalism will be assessed in a case by case basis. It will be at the Directors discretion to decide what penalty will apply to the student. This may include the Director seeking damages to the value of the property that was damaged.
Student agreement of reading the above regarding damages
Workplace health and safety legislation applies to everyone at North Coast Training Company. All staff, students and visitors have a responsibility to ensure the workplace is safe and that their own actions do not put the health and safety of others at risk.
Please report any incident or hazard immediately.
North Coast Training Company is a smoke-free workplace. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and only permissible at designated locations away from building entrances; there is to be no smoking within four metres of a building entrance.
Any student under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted on North Coast Training Company premises, to use North Coast Training Company facilities or equipment, or to engage in any North Coast Training Company activity.
People taking prescription medication have a duty to ensure their own safety, and that of others, is not affected.
The New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 states North Coast Training Company’s duty of care is to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. The employee’s duty of care is to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others within the work place”.
North Coast Training Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and clients
By adopting a planned systematic approach to the management of work health, safety and welfare (by providing the resources for successful implementation) we aim to ensure that:
- All hazards to health and safety are identified, the risks assessed and where they cannot be eliminated they are effectively controlled
- Measures to control hazards and risks to health and safety are continually monitored and evaluated
- Employees at all levels are consulted and encouraged to contribute to the decision making process on work health and safety matters effecting them
North Coast Training Company is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality Training and assessment services and will engage in seeking learner and employer feedback regularly. Consequently, students who participate in training facilitated by North Coast Training Company are asked to complete a Course Evaluation Form at the end of their course. Evaluation is conducted to monitor the level of customer satisfaction with the training outcomes.
It is important for us in order to identify areas for improvement.
North Coast Training Company also conducts evaluation of training and assessment programs to measure:
- How effective a training program is in developing competent performance
- How efficient a course is in achieving the stated outcomes.
- The level to which a training program achieved an organisation’s purpose and aims.
It is a necessary condition of registration that this data be collected
Upon successful completion of your coursework and provided all fees are paid, a Certificate or Statement of Attainment will be issued to you within 30 calendar days of you being assessed as meeting all requirements for the course. This meets the compliance requirements as set for North Coast Training Company and other RTOs under the Standards for RTOs 2015.
If for some reason North Coast Training Company ceases to operate whilst you are still enrolled, a Statement of Attainment will be issued to you for the units within the qualification for which you have successfully met requirements. (See also, the section ‘Cancellation of Course by North Coast Training Company’)
Get yourself familiar with our facilities: Drinking water, tea/coffee, bathrooms, and first aid.
Class times: Students must be in the classroom 10 minutes prior to course commencement.
Attendance: Students are required to attend all days of training, if a student is unable to attend a day due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, you must notify the Training Manager before the session commencement or penalties may apply.
Statement of Attainment: will only be issued once the course is paid for in full. If an employer is paying for the course this will need to be filled in on the enrolment form to allow us to send a copy of any statements of attainment with consent from the student, this will go to the employer and also a copy to the student.
Feedback: North Coast Training Company wishes you the best with your studies and completion of your course with us. We welcome your feedback, upon completion of your course please fill out our feedback form and return it to your trainer